About NLPOA SGV Chapter
Founded in 1972, by John Parraz and Vincent Calderon, the National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA) is the largest Latino law enforcement organization in the United States. NLPOA membership includes Police Officers and Agents, Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, Federal Managers, Probation Officers, Detention Officers, Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys, all of whom are employed at the local, state, and federal levels.
The NLPOA is a professional association that provides members with training, promotional development, and mentoring.
Working with local businesses and government entities, we have provided scholarships to students. We have helped promote continued education and career paths by hosting our annual Public Safety Expo. We have given out countless gifts, car seats, monetary sponsorships, High School Scholarships, Donations as well as our annual gift drive during the holidays.
We continually have a lot of things planned, but we need volunteers to make them work. Can you share your skills or donate your time? Have you got time to deliver some food or toys during the holidays? Have you got some other ideas about how we can become involved in the community? Whatever you are able to do, we can use your talents.